
Macro Roadmap for EOSC - View EOSC4Cancer's contribution

EOSC4Cancer had been steadily contributing to high-level EOSC objectives, one of which is the Macro-Roadmap – a visual map of the results of projects developing EOSC and the contributions of the EOSC Association member organizations. These contributions will be summarized according to objectives and action areas.

The Macro-Roadmap is a tool, available to all EOSC Stakeholders, that aims to:

  • identify potential gaps in EOSC implementation priorities
  • facilitate the understanding of how EOSC Association partners, HE INFRAEOSC Projects, and Task Forces contribute to the implementation


The roadmap is a living document, meaning it is continuously populated. Once data become available, the EOSC Association members contributions and the results of the EOSC-A Task Forces will be added.

Release of the finalized Macro-Roadmap is expected in early 2024.